Veteran architect Ms. Isbah Hassan in conversation with Daily Rapid

Veteran architect Ms. Isbah Hassan in conversation with Daily Rapid

Iqra Kashif from Daily Rapid news on Thursday hosted a brief talk with Ms. Isbah Hassan, a veteran in the field of architecture and interior design. She is a leading architect in South Asia who has designed projects in multiple spheres and on multiple scales, frequently earning her finalist status in countrywide competitions for government projects.

isbah-hassan-iqra-kashid-webinar-rapid-news-rapidnewsThe first question put forward by Iqra Kashif was regarding her name.

You have a beautiful name, who named you Isbah?

“My paternal grandmother had named me Isbah, which has an interesting meaning, the light of the morning star, it is associated with the planet Venus. The name goes hand in hand with my profession as well”.

A lot of people feel uncomfortable with their name, do you think your name suits your personality?

“I think so because many people still try to figure out whether it is a Mr or a Ms. But I am happy with it”.

How did you get into the field of architecture?

“It’s just a mindset, I had great drafting skills, I used to paint and draw. We read rembrand when we were 14.”

Was it purely your decision to get into this field?

“I have been very lucky in making my own decisions. I was very focused on what was needed to be done from a younger age.”

Arrange marriage or love marriage? What would you prefer?

“I have been married twice incidentally, both of them were love marriages, one was a younger age love and the second marriage was an older age love. I have been very lucky like that. But when it comes to my children, I ask them why aren’t they married yet. And they tell me I should find them, someone. It is really strange, most of the women of my generation were into love marriages. Youth and being young is all about passion and being in love. I think it is very important to have a love marriage, you have to feel that passion and intensity”.

What would you choose between music and poetry?

“Personally, I would choose the music.”

What type of music do you listen to?

“I have a diverse taste in music. I listen to pop, hip-hop, jazz, opera and also ghazal.”

Do you enjoy reading books?

“A lot. Growing up I read everything that was in my father’s library, very serious and non-serious books too.”

What book are you reading these days?

“I usually start three or four books together. These days I am reading Elon Musk’s biography. I like Michael on Darche and Salman Rushdie too, I admire their style. I think I am a fairly reasonable reader.”

Your favourite male personality?

“Geoffrey Bawa. I have had the privilege of meeting him too.”

Nawaz Sharif or Imran Khan?

“Imran Khan.”


“His heart is in the right place and I think he is learning on the job.”

Your favourite scent?

“These are very personal questions. I like the smell of Bazel and Cherry. Armani Prive is one of my favourites too.”

What suggestions do you have for aspiring architects?

If you are in for the money just up and get out. You are either cut out for it or you are not.


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