Ambassador calls on Supervisor General of King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Center (KSrelief)

Ambassador Raja Ali Ejaz called on Mr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah, Supervisor General of King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief). Ambassador Ejaz on the occasion thanked the Supervisor General for humanitarian and aid activities of the Center carried out in Pakistan.

Established on 13 May 2015, KS Relief Center is Saudi Arabia’s prime organization dedicated to augmenting the country’s external humanitarian aid and relief effort. Since its establishment, the organization has carried out relief work in more than 50 countries and has spent around US dollars 3.25 billion on 1,011 projects in these countries.
The Ambassador was apprised that the Centre has worked extensively to reach out to those suffering in conflict zones, (Yemen and Syria). The Centre has also concluded a number of Agreements with the UNHCR that aim at supporting refugees from Syria, Yemen, and Rohingya and has partnered with a number of humanitarian organizations including, World Food Program, United Nationals Children’s Emergency Fund, International Committee of the Red Cross and several others.
The Center has a representative office in Pakistan that carries out humanitarian assistance in the fields of food security, education, health, water, sanitation & hygiene, charitable assistance amongst others.