Bar offers free drinks for getting coronavirus vaccine jab

A bar is offering a free drink to people receiving the coronavirus vaccine to tempt younger crowds to have the jab.
The venue in Israel opened its doors as a vaccination point on Thursday. And everybody that was given the Pfizer Inc jab was offered a free drink, although alcohol was not on the menu as a medical precaution.
More than 43 per cent of Israel’s 9 million residents have received at least their first dose of the life-saving drug, reports the Daily Star.
But leaders are concerned that the turnout may begin to slow down, halting the country’s plans to ease restrictions.
Gastropub Jenia in Tel Aviv are looking to combat that issue with their latest offering.
And one local, who has already taken advantage of the scheme, was full of praise.
“I thought it is a really good opportunity to come and get the vaccine, because I didn’t have either the time or the ability to go to other places,” said May Perez.
Meanwhile in the UK, struggling pub bosses reportedly stormed out of a meeting with government ministers this week, demanding they be allowed to reopen in April.
Greg Mulholland, of the Campaign for Pubs, said: “Outdoor-only opening is simply not profitable for thousands of pubs, indeed most pubs, and Government support must continue until pubs can open profitably, without rules and restrictions that make that impossible.
“What we now need is certainty over when pubs can reopen indoors with household mixing and no curfew or restriction on dining.”
The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) also warned that many boozers do not have a big enough garden or outdoor space to be able to open.
The body believes this could affect 29,000 pubs.
On Wednesday, February 17, leaked Whitehall documents suggested that hospitality venues, hotels, leisure facilities, and some sporting venues would reopen in late April.