After attacking a seven-year-old girl a crazed,

After attacking a seven-year-old girl a crazed Rottweiler exterminated.

After the dog attacked her, the toddler suffered horrible facial injuries and required “extensive surgery.”

When the dog savaged the little girl, James Palmer, 31, was keeping his pet on its lead and harness.

When the attack happened on April 11, last year in Worcester, the terrified youngster was holding an ice cream, according to the court.

During the vicious attack, witnesses reported the dog bit the girl on the face and head.

Officers were dispatched to the site, and Palmer was arrested.

Palmer remained in his flat after police arrived, initially refusing to hand over his dog but eventually agreeing to have it taken away.

When he appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court yesterday, he admitted to possessing a dangerously out of control dog that caused damage.

The attack happened at 2 p.m., according to prosecutor Shivali Patel, and was witnessed by a woman sitting on her balcony.

“Two girls were outside,” she claimed, “one elder child around 10 to 12 and the other, the victim, estimated to be between the ages of five and seven.”

“The elder girl was carrying two ice creams, one for the smaller girl and the other for the older girl.”

The smaller girl approached the dog, and the witness witnessed the dog attack the small child, biting her head and face.

“She observed the child grasp her face and scream as she walked back to her buddy.” ‘Has he bitten you?’ the defendant inquired.” Getting the defendant out of his ground-floor flat took numerous efforts. He eventually surrendered the Rottweiler. It was taken into custody and taken to the police van.”

Palmer said he kept the dog since he was a puppy and that he was on a leash with a harness when he was attacked.


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