Bol News suspended for 30 days, PEMRA slaps Rs1m fine

The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has suspended the license of BOL News for 30 days for airing contemptuous content against the judiciary.
According to PEMRA, the talk show titled ‘Tajzia’ hosted by Mr. Sami Ibrahim on BOL News aired contemptuous remarks against Hon’ble Chief Justice of the Lahore High Court (LHC).
“While concluding a show cause notice dated 13-10-2021 issued to M/S Labbaik (PVT) Ltd. on its programme ‘Tajzia’ hosted by Mr. Sami Ibrahim, PEMRA suspended satellite TV channel license conferred to ‘BOL News’ for 30 days and imposed fine to the tune of Rs.1 million.” the press release stated.