Statistics reveal true impact of coronavirus lockdown on UK mental health

More people have experienced a mental health crisis during the coronavirus pandemic than ever previously recorded, statistics reveal.
Data shows how 60%* of UK adults believe the pandemic and lockdown restrictions have had a negative impact on their mental health.
And with at least 8million people having experienced the sudden death of a loved one last year – according to research from The UK’s leading funeral provider Co-op Funeralcare – the ripples are set to the huge.
Co-op’s findings report that over a quarter (28%) of those who said they had lost a loved one unexpectedly last year said their loved one’s passing had a negative impact on their mental health – compared to just 15% of those who experienced an expected death.
Co-op Funeralcare recently warned of a ‘grief pandemic’ and this has been more than evident for the funeral provider when on the frontline supporting bereaved families throughout the pandemic.
Sam Tyrer, Managing Director of Co-op Funeralcare, said: “Our colleagues have witnessed first-hand the devastating impact of the pandemic, and the wave of grief which followed. Tragically, our research reaffirms the vital need for adequate bereavement support.
“We are yet to discover what long term impact the restrictions faced during the pandemic will have but in the meantime, we will be persistent in seeking to improve the support available to those who have sadly been affected during a time of such significant loss. We will continue to work closely with dedicated and brilliant organisations such as the Good Grief Trust and make sure the voices of the bereaved are heard.”