The Rishi Sunak Show is hysterically funny

The Rishi Sunak Show is hysterically funny

Rishi Sunak, a premium casualwear influencer based in Treasury, has had a difficult week. He used to appear unstoppable; now he’s the pocket Samson who just got a huge haircut from his wife. I understand Rishi wants to be Prime Minister and all that, but it’s becoming increasingly impossible to fathom how the mega-wealthy chancellor will persuade regular Britons to do unpleasant things. You can’t even persuade your wife to pay your taxes, mate.

But, before anyone accuses me of being a sexist,… Please wait while I go fetch my lorgnette… James We’d best have a recap of current events, which now include the possibility of a US green card dispute.

The chancellor is in reality on these shores, where he was originally thought to be watching his political oxidisation on Pacific Time. Sunak will have to decompress at one of his residences in this country, rather than the high-end Santa Monica apartment he owns in a development with a pet spa, as I’ve heard Lynton Crosby has outlawed Easter excursions.

Anyway, he gave the Sun an exclusive, vehemently defensive interview under the apoplectic title LAY OFF MY MISSUS. And I believe you’ll agree that the headline accurately depicts Rishi Sunak’s demeanour. Simply put, this is a person who is equally at home yelling a warning out of a van window as he is browsing Mr. Porter’s fine goods.


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