Scientists finally reveal how the dinosaurs were killed

Scientists finally reveal how the dinosaurs were killed

It forever changed history when it crashed into Earth about 66 million years ago.

The Chicxulub impactor, as it’s known, left behind a crater off the coast of Mexico that spans 93 miles and runs 12 miles deep. Its devastating impact brought the reign of the dinosaurs to an abrupt and calamitous end by triggering their sudden mass extinction, along with the end of almost three-quarters of the plant and animal species living on Earth.

The enduring puzzle: Where did the asteroid or comet originate, and how did it come to strike Earth? Now, a pair of researchers at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian believe they have the answer.


In a study published today in Nature’s Scientific Reports, Harvard University astrophysics undergraduate student Amir Siraj and astronomer Avi Loeb put forth a new theory that could explain the origin and journey of this catastrophic object.

Experts from Harvard University in the US believe they have figured out how such a large chunk of extra terrestrial rock ended up spelling death for the giant reptiles.

The gravity of the massive planet Jupiter draws comets from the icy outer edges of the solar system and hurtles them inwards, towards the sun.

As the comets slingshot around the sun, the gravitational power of the star breaks apart the cosmic missile.

The resulting shards fly across the solar system – increasing the chance of a collision with planets like Earth.


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