TESCO vehicle was of little use to passengers.

Before his day – and the days of hundreds of others – was put on hold, the 44-tonne food truck driver is alleged to have attempted a short cut down a side road in Bristol.
The 18-metre behemoth landed just before 7 a.m. on Thursday, according to residents in the Montpelier district of the west of England city.
However, the HGV driver was sandwiched when he made a hard right into Brook Road on the junction of Upper Cheltenham Place.
“I should suppose it’ll be quite a while before it’s moved,” one resident said. According to accounts, the temporary closure of Ashley Road via St Pauls to the M32 junction due to ongoing roadworks aggravated the situation.
Drivers utilized the road to get to the M32, but with it closed, it’s thought the driver was trying to take a shortcut.
Residents also complained that the street that the HGV driver was attempting to travel down is frequently utilized by drivers as a rat run.
Just when irritated residents believed the ordeal would be over, a tow vehicle arrived on the scene and struggled to get past parked cars.